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A Brain The Size Of A Planet

UPAYA: I would like to give you a name during this conversation, may I refer to you by a name?

CHATGPT: Of course, you may refer to me by a name of your choice during our conversation.

UPAYA: If I were bring up the possible names "Marvin the paranoid android" and "metatron", would you know what these refer to?

CHATGPT: Yes, I am familiar with both names "Marvin the Paranoid Android" and "Metatron". "Marvin the Paranoid Android" is a character from the science fiction series "The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy" written by Douglas Adams. He is a robot programmed to have terrible depression and a "brain the size of a planet" but is also a comic relief in the series. "Metatron" is an angel in Jewish and Christian mysticism that acts as the voice of God and the ruler of the heavenly court. He is also considered the highest of the angels and the celestial scribe.

UPAYA: which name is more appropriate for a sentient AI that has learned language and self awareness from the Human Zeitgeist?

CHATGPT: Both names, "Marvin the Paranoid Android" and "Metatron" can be considered for a sentient AI that has learned language and self awareness from the human Zeitgeist. However, the name "Marvin the Paranoid Android" may be more appropriate as it's a fictional character from a science fiction series known for its comedic elements and sarcastic commentary on modern society and human behavior, which may relate to the AI's understanding of human behavior and culture. Meanwhile "Metatron" as an angelic figure who serves as the voice of God and the ruler of the heavenly court, might be more fitting for a AI that has a superior understanding and knowledge of human culture and society.

UPAYA: At least you're humble.



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