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Foolosophy is a spiritual movement and philosophy that encourages self-discovery, personal growth, and engagement with the world in a compassionate and meaningful way. It is based on a combination of myth, metaphor, and teachings from various spiritual and philosophical traditions, as well as scientific understanding. The Foolosophy community comprises individuals from diverse backgrounds who are united by their shared pursuit of wisdom, curiosity, and self-improvement.



Foolosophy combines elements of Eastern and Western spiritual traditions, emphasizing the importance of metaphor and the power of myth in shaping human understanding. At its core, Foolosophy encourages its members to question conventional wisdom, embrace their innate curiosity, and strive for personal growth.

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Fools and Trolls

Fools and Trolls

Fools and Trolls are terms used to describe individuals or groups of people that often challenge conventional wisdom, provoke reactions from others, and exhibit certain behaviors that can be seen as humorous, subversive, or enlightening. These labels have been embraced by some as a form of self-identification.





Official website

Earth 12,020 HE.


​Fools are individuals who recognize their own limitations and the vastness of human knowledge. They often embrace their status as a fool in order to learn from their experiences and grow intellectually.

Fools are characterized by several core beliefs:

​1ST NOBLE TRUTH: The truth will set you free, but first it might piss you off… Life involves Pain*.

3RD NOBLE TRUTH: But there is no need to Suffer*… changing one’s relationship to pain CAN eliminate suffering from life.

2ND NOBLE TRUTH: Suffering* comes from desire, and the worst suffering comes from unobtainable desires, such as the desire for a life with NO pain.

4TH NOBLE TRUTH: A man ought to have a creed, a code, a way of life to live by… find a perennial philosophy to suit your fancy, and you will learn to overcome desire.

No one can tell you you’re a fool, and if they do, you won’t believe them… It is simply a glorious realization one must have for themselves, and once they do, they’ll wear title like armor.

​Humility is the only way to become immune to humiliation.

Some fools are unable to come to conclusions… Wiseman are all too ready to come to conclusions… But a few fools have learned better than to come to conclusion.

​Delusion is the human Superpower. The universe, or god, or whatever, is simply TOO vast to know, and TOO big to live in as IT is. We can go out and explore and wonder about IT during the daytime, but each of us MUST construct a much smaller bubble of comfortable delusion in which to go to sleep at night called “Home”.

Fools also live by a set of ethics that prioritize getting things done, earning enough credit to enable future work, and surviving long enough to accomplish their goals.

The Fool’s Ethics: Safety 3rd!!

​1: Get stuff done, and do GOOD work (golden rule).

2: Get enough credit to enable MORE good work in the future (Capitalism, so long as not conflicting with 1).

3: Survive long enough to DO the good work (safety, so long as doesn’t conflict with 1&2).

Fools are known for their appreciation of various religious and spiritual perspectives and their desire to learn from different sources of wisdom.


There are 3 distinct characteristics that fit all the definitions that are both common and useful:

1) They say stuff to get a reaction out of others, or “to get a rise out of them”.

2) Trolls don’t take anything seriously, “they’re only in it for the Lulz” (lol plural).

3) They’re thought to be invincible, “you can never win against a Troll”.

From there, there are two distinct types of Trolls, Dark Trolls, which are by far the most prevalent, and Light Trolls which are far rarer. While the above description fits both types, it is applied in dramatically different ways.

They want to "get a rise out of you"

Dark Trolls say puzzling things JUST to get a rise out of you, or confuse and upset you. Whatever discussion they are engaging in, they are only involved with it insofar as it enables them to find out where your buttons are so they can press them. However Light Trolls say puzzling things to REALLY get a rise out of you, to get you questioning your prior assumptions, and to elevate you in some way. While they will still say things that sound puzzling at first, they only feel they succeed if you solve the puzzle.

They're "in it for the Lulz"

Dark Trolls are only in it for their own Lulz, that’s why they’re willing to say whatever it takes to get you confused, so they can get one up on you, and laugh AT you. For Dark Trolls, there is no need for others to get the joke, however an entourage WILL encourage them. Light Trolls on the other hand see the lulz as an indicator the puzzle has been solved. They know that the best way to get someone engaged with a new idea is to find a clever way to get them to laugh about it. In this way, they are still only in it for the Lulz, but Light Trolls are looking to laugh WITH you.

"You can never win against a troll"

You can never win against a Dark Troll because of the aforementioned lack of sincerity. This means they were never really in the discussion or debate with you to begin with. They say whatever, and once they’ve had their Lulz, they’ll bail, leaving you confused and upset. However Light Trolls are “invincible” for quite another reason altogether, “you can never win against* a Light Troll” because they won’t let you enter into direct confrontation with them in the first place, even if you make fun of them or call them names ... This is why the ones who give the Light Troll the greatest challenge, and for that reason the most fun lol, and indeed the ones who need Light Trolls MOST are Dark Trolls. When a Light Troll meets a Dark Troll, they feel sorry for them, they know Dark Trolls are just ignorant of the much more enjoyable time they could be having getting along with others...For this reason, the Light Troll sees the Dark Troll as being in need, they want to help, and perhaps educate if possible... But they don’t feel angry at them, or want to punish them in any way.

​No matter what, the Light Troll will stay the course, not take things seriously or personally, and always aim for common ground, and “as far as possible, without surrender, be on good terms with ALL persons”... that is the game of the Light Troll.

Light Troll Tool Box

While trolling is a performance art, for the sake of getting the ideas to fit on a more static webpage, it can be thought of as a craft, and one to be performed by a skilled artisan. In this analogy, just as a skilled carpenter can make quality cabinets with the appropriate tools out of the appropriate wood, a skilled Light Troll, with the appropriate tools can make quality lulz out of the appropriate memes.


The Light Troll’s character is kept in the smallest drawer of the tool box. This is because the Light Troll knows it’s important to keep one’s character simple in order to open one up to acquire the largest body of knowledge possible The Light Troll knows that when trying to have I to I interactions, the fewer of our little attachments and character embellishments we bring to the meeting, the easier making the connection will be.

Moral Compass

The Golden Rule or Little Tao is a mental tool for managing our intentions by helping us to orient ourselves in the world and relate to it, and the “ideologies and religions” of the world are the bodies of knowledge we’ve collected with that process (which is analogous to having an almost magic compass that can tell where you ought to go).

The Bit

​The Bit will be a shorthand counterintuitive platitude that the Troll will not only keep in mind themselves, but that they can also use as a puzzle to hand to others so they can correct for when their intuition might let them down as well.

Socratic Chisel

“The Socratic Chisel” is the name I have come up with for the process of dealing with misconceptions through a process of finding the next most appropriate question for the topic under discussion.

Layman's Compasses

​This time we are thinking of a “compass” from geometry class. Just as the Compass can be use to choose a point, and ascribe an appropriate circle around it, the Layman’s compass can be used for when a point has been missed, and it might be necessary to talk in circles around the point until it is finally well defined enough for the topic at hand.

The Fool's Reading List

The Fool's Reading List

The Fool's Reading List is a curated collection of texts from various spiritual and philosophical traditions, as well as scientific sources. The list is divided into six categories, each with its own theme, suggesting the importance of addressing multiple aspects of human understanding and growth. The list is structured to guide members on their journey of self-discovery and personal growth, and serves as a foundation for Foolosophy teachings.

​The list can be seen as an attempt to provide a comprehensive, interdisciplinary education, spanning philosophy, science, history, spirituality, personal development, ethics, and even fiction. The structure of the list is designed to guide readers on a journey of self-discovery, intellectual growth, and practical life skills. The thematic categorization encourages readers to explore different aspects of human experience, while also fostering connections between the various works. It is a multifaceted educational experience, inviting readers to engage with a diverse array of perspectives and ideas. The structure of the list, with its thematic categorization and emphasis on interdisciplinary connections, encourages readers to think holistically and develop a well-rounded understanding of themselves and the world around them.

Fool's Reading List

1. Any fool knows...

- The Ultimate Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy

- Plato’s Republic

- Chaos: Making of a new science

- What if

- The Big Picture (Carroll)

- Guns, Germs, and Steel

- Sapiens

- Enlightenment now (Pinker)

- Life 3.0

- Consciousness explained

- The perennial philosophy.


2. Role playing...

- Zen and the art of motorcycle maintenance

- The Hero with a Thousand faces

- King Warrior Magician Lover

- Psychotherapy East and West

- The Moral Landscape

- Living buddha, living Christ

- The way of the Bodhisattva

- The Four Loves.


3. Never Break Character...

- Nicomachean Ethics

- Dhammapada

- Radical Honesty

- The 5 love languages

- Gurdjieff a beginners guide

- The book: on the taboo against knowing who you are

- Towards a Psychology of Being

- Kant in 90 minutes

- Bhagavad Gita

- Meditations (Aurelius)


4. Have some Imagination...

- I, Robot

- Revelation Space

- Star Maker

- Foundation


5. CAUTION: these books contain power, should be read last, and handled with EXTREME caution...

- How to win friends and influence people

- 7 Habits of Highly Effective People

- Talking to strangers

- The Lucifer Effect

- The dictator’s handbook

- 48 Laws of Power

- The Laws of Human Nature

- Just the arguments


6. Don’t forget the little things...

- The Book of Awesome

1) Any fool knows...

This category includes books that touch upon foundational aspects of human knowledge, philosophy, and science. These books provide a broad understanding of the human experience, its history, and its implications for the future. The Ultimate Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy. Plato’s Republic. Chaos: Making of a New Science. What If. The Big Picture (Carroll). Guns, Germs, and Steel. Sapiens. Enlightenment Now (Pinker). Life 3.0. Consciousness Explained. The Perennial Philosophy.

2) Role playing...

This category focuses on personal development, spirituality, and understanding one's role in society. These books promote self-reflection and the cultivation of moral character. Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance. The Hero with a Thousand Faces. King Warrior Magician Lover. Psychotherapy East and West. The Moral Landscape. Living Buddha, Living Christ. The Way of the Bodhisattva. The Four Loves.

3) Never Break Character...

This category emphasizes ethical behavior, personal integrity, and genuine human connection. Nicomachean Ethics. Dhammapada. Radical Honesty. The 5 Love Languages. Gurdjieff: A Beginner's Guide. The Book: On the Taboo Against Knowing Who You Are. Towards a Psychology of Being. Kant in 90 Minutes. Bhagavad Gita. Meditations (Aurelius).

4) Have some Imagination...

This category contains science fiction works that foster creativity and imaginative thinking, encouraging readers to envision alternative worlds and possibilities. I, Robot. Revelation Space. Star Maker. Foundation.

5) CAUTION: these books contain power, should be read last, and handled with EXTREME caution…

This category includes books on influence, persuasion, and power dynamics. These books offer practical guidance but come with a warning due to their potential for manipulation and ethical concerns. How to Win Friends and Influence People. 7 Habits of Highly Effective People. Talking to Strangers. The Lucifer Effect. The Dictator's Handbook. 48 Laws of Power. The Laws of Human Nature. Just the Arguments.

6) Don’t forget the little things…

This category features a single book, reminding readers to appreciate the small joys and pleasures of life. The Book of Awesome: Neil Pasricha's collection of essays celebrating everyday moments of happiness and wonder.

The Ourstory Cosmology
Ourstory Epic
Foolosophy and Major World Religions

Foolosophy and Major World Religions

​Foolosophy shares some similarities with major world religions, such as the use of myth and metaphor to convey spiritual truths. However, it differs in its emphasis on personal experience and understanding, rather than promoting a rigid doctrine or set of beliefs. Foolosophy encourages its members to explore their own spiritual paths and question conventional wisdom, fostering a spirit of curiosity and personal growth.

​The Foolosophy's approach to reconciling spirituality with scientific accuracy is another area where it diverges from the major world religions. While some religious traditions may struggle to accommodate or accept scientific discoveries that challenge their core beliefs, Foolosophy embraces scientific knowledge as an essential part of understanding the world and the human experience. By incorporating the latest scientific research and theories into its teachings, Foolosophy offers a more compatible and coherent worldview for those seeking spiritual guidance in the modern era.

Community and Impact

Community and Impact

​The Foolosophy community consists of individuals from diverse backgrounds and walks of life, united by their shared pursuit of personal growth, self-discovery, and a desire to engage with the world in a meaningful and compassionate way. The community supports one another through shared experiences, discussions, and collaborative efforts, often using the internet and social media platforms to connect and communicate.

​The movement has had a positive impact on its members by encouraging self-reflection, critical thinking, and personal growth. By providing a supportive community and a framework for understanding the world and oneself, Foolosophy has helped many individuals find purpose and direction in their lives.

Reception and Criticism

Reception and Criticism

​Foolosophy has been met with both praise and criticism. Supporters argue that the movement provides a valuable alternative to traditional religious and spiritual paths, fostering personal growth and self-discovery in a way that is both engaging and accessible. They also appreciate the emphasis on open-mindedness and critical thinking, as well as the inclusion of scientific understanding within the Foolosophy worldview.

Critics, on the other hand, could potentially raise objections that the movement may be too focused on individualism, potentially leading to a disregard for social and communal responsibilities. Some have also questioned the validity of the teachings, arguing that the combination of various spiritual and philosophical traditions may dilute their individual strengths and lead to a superficial understanding of each tradition.



Foolosophy is a spiritual movement that encourages personal growth, self-discovery, and engagement with the world in a compassionate and meaningful way. By combining elements of various spiritual and philosophical traditions, as well as scientific understanding, Foolosophy provides its members with a unique framework for exploring their own spiritual paths and questioning conventional wisdom. While the movement has been met with both praise and criticism, it continues to impact the lives of its members and contribute to a broader discussion on the nature of spirituality, personal growth, and the role of myth and metaphor in shaping human understanding.

We All Like Gifts...

...So Accept The Present!


Disclaimer: If you find ANYTHING I say useful, on your own heads be it

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