Introduction: The Limitations of Rugged Individualism
In our modern, fast-paced world, the need for spiritual guidance is often overlooked. In mainstream Western society, the notion of rugged individualism is often celebrated as the ideal approach to life. This perspective emphasizes the importance of self-reliance and personal autonomy, but it can also limit our understanding of the role that spiritual communities and guidance can play in our lives. By focusing solely on individual achievements and dismissing the value of spiritual leaders and communities, we may inadvertently close ourselves off to the wisdom and growth opportunities that the genuine “Gurus” and Sacred Spaces can provide.
In the last article, we discussed the ideal of the Sage, a wise and enlightened figure who serves as an embodiment of spiritual wisdom able to flawlessly overcome any of the 5 Barriers to Peace of Mind with grace as they arise. However, it is important to recognize that real-world spiritual teachers who we interact with in our daily lives may not always live up to this ideal. On our spiritual journey, we need exemplars who can demonstrate Virtue, as Aristotle suggested. However, as we seek such guidance, it is essential to think for ourselves and apply discretion when evaluating spiritual teachers.
There’s an important distinction to make between genuine spiritual leaders, who we will be referring to as 'Gurus,' and manipulative impostors, known as 'Charlatans.' To understand the true essence of spiritual guidance, we must recognize this distinction and delve into the qualities that differentiate these two seemingly synonymous titles.
The term 'Guru' originates from Hindu tradition, where it refers to a spiritual teacher or guide who dispels the darkness of ignorance. Hinduism, with an emphasis of understanding illusion at its core, enables gurus to provide spiritual guidance and support in a manner that avoids the pitfalls of dogmatism better than western abrahamic religions, which tend to place the emphasis on Faith. While Good Faith is of course an important principle, as we've discussed in another article, it is far easier for the uninitiated to misunderstand and follow blindly, whereas the eastern focus on illusion is more likely to leave one in a state of heightened attention, even with an unsophisticated understanding. However, I admit that this understanding could just be my over credulous assessment given my distance from the culture, or perhaps an overly cynical assessment of ours given my proximity to it.
With this awareness in mind, we are borrowing the word 'Guru' as a somewhat playful and exotic term, more in line with the western idea of "a guy who can find a lost email for you", which is free of the strong preconceived notions associated with 'priests' or ‘monks’ in our Western context. In the West, different spiritual leaders with the same title, such as "priests," can display both guru-like and charlatan-like qualities... and of course there are plenty of eastern and eastern-esk charlatans out there as well, to be sure.
By broadening the term 'Guru' to encompass spiritual leaders of all religions and cultures, we aim to analyze the concepts of Sacred Space and Liminoid Experiences to gain insights into the characteristics of genuine gurus and charlatans. This understanding will help us better navigate our own spiritual journeys and engage with spiritual communities more discerningly.
Understanding the Term 'Cult' Beyond the Pejorative Colloquial Use:
The term "cult" often carries a negative connotation, invoking images of mind control, manipulation, and fanaticism. In the colloquial sense, the term "cult" is often used in a pejorative manner, with negative connotations attached to it. This popular perception of cults might cause people to view them as inherently harmful, but it's essential to understand the broader context of the term.
Etymology of “Cult”
The word "cult" derives from the Latin word "cultus," which means "care" or "cultivation." This etymology connects the concept of a cult to the idea of nurturing and developing the beliefs and practices of its members. This perspective helps to shift our understanding of cults from a purely negative context to one that includes their potential for growth and development.
Academic Definition of 'Cult'
In academic and scholarly contexts, the term "cult" is used to describe a group of people who share a common set of religious or spiritual beliefs and practices that are distinct from those of the broader society. A cult can be seen as one of the components of a religion, along with a code and a creed. This definition emphasizes the shared values and beliefs that are central to the group, rather than any negative connotations that may be associated with the term in colloquial usage.
Moving Beyond the Pejorative Connotation
Recognizing that the term "cult" can apply to a wide range of groups outside the colloquial definition is crucial for gaining a more sophisticated understanding of these societal structures. While some cults can be harmful, such as Heaven's Gate or Jonestown, not all cults are inherently dangerous or manipulative. The term can also apply to more neutral as well as beneficial organizations, from the Catholic Church, which has been rather hit and miss with its impact on its members and society, to Alcoholics Anonymous which demonstrably promotes the wellbeing of its members.
The Necessity of Some Cults
Some cults play a vital role in providing support, guidance, and a sense of belonging to their members, particularly during times of stressful transitions in life. For instance, Alcoholics Anonymous has proven to be an effective form of addiction treatment, surpassing medication, family intervention, and even one-on-one therapy (citation needed). Acknowledging the diverse nature of cults helps us to better understand and evaluate them on a case-by-case basis, rather than dismissing them outright due to negative stereotypes.
The Dangers of Charlatans, Liminoid Experiences, and Pseudo-Initiations
Spiritual communities have the potential to provide transformative experiences and foster personal growth. However, it is crucial to be aware of the dangers associated with certain groups and individuals, such as charlatans and those who exploit liminoid experiences for their own gain. Charlatans are fake spiritual leaders who place themselves on pedestals, speaking in grandiose terms about secret knowledge and divine revelations. They often prey on the vulnerable, using fear and manipulation to gain power, control, and wealth.
Liminoid Experiences: A Brief Overview
Liminoid experiences are temporary escapes from the constraints of everyday life that do not necessarily facilitate transformation or renewal. They can be intense, thrilling, and often alluring, but ultimately lack the depth and commitment found in sacred spaces. These experiences can be exploited by charlatans and other self-serving group leaders to entice followers.
Pseudo-Initiations: A Dangerous Deception
Pseudo-initiations are ceremonies or rituals that mimic genuine initiation experiences but lack the transformative power and guidance needed for personal growth. They often capitalize on the allure of liminoid experiences and can lead to harmful consequences.
The Risks of Avoiding Spiritual Groups
Some individuals may avoid spiritual groups altogether, thinking they are immune to the dangers posed by charlatans. However, this mindset can be risky, as charlatans and manipulative group leaders can be found in many contexts not typically considered "spiritual." These groups may cause harm specifically because they view themselves as "beyond" or "above" spiritual concerns.
Examples of Charlatans in Non-Spiritual Contexts
1. Druggie Shamans:
"Druggie Shamans" are individuals who capitalize on the powerful liminoid experiences induced by psychedelic drugs to elevate their social status and attract followers. Although psychedelic substances have potential spiritual benefits when used responsibly and with proper guidance, Druggie Shamans often lack the pharmaceutical knowledge and psychological understanding necessary to facilitate genuine spiritual growth. They focus on the fleeting, intense experiences provided by the drugs rather than helping individuals to recognize the limits of perception and the potential of the imagination. Without offering a structured approach for integrating the experience back in with everyday consciousness, they are unlikely to bring about lasting personal transformation ... though they're unlikely to discourage you from trying agin.
2. Gang Leaders:
Gangs provide their members with a sense of status and belonging through initiation rites, often involving violence or criminal acts. These rites can be considered liminoid experiences as they temporarily separate the individual from their everyday life, creating a sense of detachment and empowerment. However, the ultimate purpose of these gangs is typically to maintain the power and control of the gang itself, rather than promoting the well-being and personal growth of its members, or often even its “leader”.
3. Fraternities and Virtual Echo Chambers:
Some fraternities, from formal fraternities in college dorms, to the loose knit community of a virtual echo chamber, will foster a sense of group identity and camaraderie through rituals and initiation ceremonies. This allows their members to adopt different roles than they have in their everyday lives. While these liminoid experiences may offer temporary relief or fantasy escapism, they often fail to cultivate the well-being of their members. These groups can instill a common code of behavior among their members, but the ultimate value of that code itself is an entirely different question. In many cases, these codes can perpetuate toxic behaviors and hinder personal growth.
4. Military Organizations:
Military groups, using rituals, initiation ceremonies, and broader cultural indoctrination, may promote a sense of "devotion to something greater than oneself", as well as instill a strong warrior mindset in their members. However, they often lack the means to foster personal growth and integration of other aspects of a person's character, which can lead to an unbalanced development and potential issues in transitioning back to civilian life.
Exercising Discernment
The tragic example of Heaven's Gate, a harmful cult led by a charlatan, underscores the importance of exercising discernment in all areas of life, including spiritual and non-spiritual communities. Avoiding spiritual communities altogether can lead one to inadvertently neglect the spiritual aspects that already exist in various facets of their lives, making them more susceptible to toxic groups. By acknowledging and addressing the spiritual dimensions of various communities, individuals can better recognize and evaluate the true nature of the groups they encounter. Developing discernment empowers people to make informed decisions about which communities foster genuine well-being and personal growth, while avoiding those that are manipulative or harmful. This understanding helps individuals navigate their spiritual journey more effectively and avoid the pitfalls of toxic groups in both spiritual and non-spiritual contexts.
The Paradox of Fake Gurus and the Importance of Sacred Spaces:
Gurus and Charlatans have distinct approaches to spirituality and guidance. Gurus sit firmly on The Ground, helping others uncover the simple, obvious truths that have been forgotten or overlooked. The concept of a 'Fake Guru' may seem paradoxical, but it's essential to understand that Genuine Gurus accept their imperfections and limitations, and they don't claim to have unique access to divine wisdom. However, they may be seen as "fake" in the sense that they are aware their students view them as sages, and they maintain this performance as an exemplar.
MH 9:703 "You come to me for advice, but you can't cope with anything you don't recognize. Hmmm. So we'll have to tell you something you already know but make it sound like news, eh? Well, business as usual, I suppose."-Praised be Douglas Adams
Becoming an integrated individual within society involves understanding and adopting various roles. Gurus recognize that integrity means consistently embodying a virtuous character, even though they are aware it is a role they play. By providing a stable point of reference for their students, Gurus create a space for transformation and growth.
The Fluidity of Change and the Creation of Sacred Spaces:
Gurus understand that both they and the world around them are in a constant state of change. By presenting themselves as a stable and unchanging presence, they provide their students with a sense of security and stability, allowing them the freedom to transform while overcoming the illusion that something in their lives must always remain constant. This enables the students to focus on their own transformation without feeling overwhelmed or lost.
Genuine gurus, however, are also aware of their own impermanence and the ever-changing nature of existence. They may present themselves as constant and unchanging to support their students' growth, but in their own spiritual practice, they recognize the fluidity of life. This awareness allows the guru to be more effective in guiding their students, understanding the challenges and fears associated with embracing change and empathizing with their students' journeys.
This concept leads us to the idea of Sacred Spaces, where individuals can let go of old identities and beliefs and embrace new possibilities. Genuine gurus often operate within these sacred spaces, guiding their followers through rituals and practices that foster personal growth and transformation. The communities that form around them are marked by unity and shared purpose, as individuals explore their spiritual paths and support one another. These communities engage in practices that facilitate a connection to the sacred and reinforce the sacred space in which transformation can occur.
It is essential to recognize that the ultimate goal of a genuine guru is to eventually become unneeded, as their students grow and become self-sufficient in their spiritual journey. In contrast, charlatans often aim to keep their followers dependent on them, maintaining control and power over them. The genuine guru's intention is to empower and guide their students until they no longer require external guidance, whereas the charlatan seeks to keep their followers reliant on them indefinitely.
Gurus in Everyday Life
While the term "Guru" is often associated with spiritual contexts, the concept can be applied to various aspects of life. For instance, parents often take on the role of Gurus for their children, guiding them through life's challenges and imparting wisdom. We have all experienced guidance and support from wise elders in various areas of our lives, reinforcing the idea that Gurus can be found in many different forms.
It's important to note that some Gurus may charge for their services, such as professional therapists, and while this may not seem like the most noble approach, it doesn't necessarily make them Charlatans (Note priority #2 from The Fool's Ethics). Conversely, some Charlatans are sincere believers in their own dogma, driven by a noble devotion but ultimately misguided by fear-based beliefs.
Applying Discernment in Everyday Life:
If we look at distinguishing between Givers and Takers as outlined by Adam Grant in his book ‘Give and Take’ we find many similarities with distinguishing between Gurus and Charlatans that help us bridge the gap between the more religious contexts above and the everyday situations and the advice we encounter. Gurus and Givers share similar traits, such as a genuine interest in others' well-being, and a focus on providing guidance and support. Charlatans and Takers, on the other hand, have self-serving agendas and may manipulate or exploit others for personal gain.
By applying the lessons from the "givers" and "takers" concept, we can further refine our discernment process in our everyday lives when seeking advice and guidance. Consider the following points:
Identify the intentions of the advice-giver:
Just as givers and takers have different intentions in organizational settings, the same applies to those offering guidance in our everyday lives. Consider whether the person giving advice is genuinely interested in helping you (a giver) or if they have a self-serving agenda (a taker). Seek advice from those who demonstrate a giver mentality, as they are more likely to provide valuable guidance.
Seek diverse perspectives:
Consult multiple sources and individuals when seeking advice. Comparing different viewpoints can help you identify any inconsistencies or biases, allowing you to make more informed decisions and avoid falling prey to manipulative advice.
Assess the balance of giving and taking:
Be aware of the dynamics between you and the person offering guidance. Are they always taking without giving back, or do they maintain a healthy balance of giving and receiving? Aim to build relationships with individuals who exhibit a "matching" style or are genuine givers, as they are more likely to provide valuable advice and guidance.
Consider personality traits:
Be aware that personality traits like agreeableness and disagreeableness can sometimes mask true giver or taker tendencies. Assess the motivations behind someone's advice or guidance, rather than simply focusing on their outward demeanor. Evaluate the advice you receive based on its merit and applicability to your situation. Consider whether the guidance aligns with your values, goals, and intuition. By actively questioning and reflecting on the advice given, you can better discern between genuine wisdom and manipulative tactics.
MH 9:699 “No,” said the old lady. “It’s the story of my life. You see, the quality of any advice anybody has to offer has to be judged against the quality of life they actually lead…
Now, as you look through this document you’ll see that I’ve underlined all the major decisions I ever made to make them stand out. They’re all indexed and cross-referenced. See?
All I can suggest is that if you take decisions that are exactly OPPOSITE to the sort of decisions that I’ve taken, then maybe you won’t finish up at the end of your life”—she paused, and filled her lungs for a good shout—
—“in a smelly old cave like this!”
Praised be Douglas Adams
Alcoholics Anonymous: the Ideal Modern Cult:
Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) is a prime example of genuine spiritual support, providing a nurturing environment for those seeking help with addiction.
The AA community and the Sponsor-Sponsee relationship exemplify the traits of Sacred Spaces. These relationships foster personal growth and transformation through shared experiences, mutual support, and a common goal of recovery. Operating on donations, it prioritizes assistance over profit. The gratitude and benevolence of those who have benefited from the program keep it running, without any expectation of payment for their services. In this environment, individuals are given the opportunity to let go of their old identities and beliefs and embrace new possibilities for a healthier, addiction-free life.
AA Sponsors embody the characteristics of genuine "Fake Gurus" by acknowledging their own imperfections and limitations while sharing their personal experiences and wisdom gained through their recovery. They do not claim to have all the answers, but rather, offer guidance and encouragement to those seeking to overcome addiction.
AA is mindful of Liminoid Experiences and addresses them head on by acknowledging the "Pink Cloud" phenomenon, where members may become misguided by the early positive effects of belonging to the group and become overly enthusiastic about the speed of recovery. To counteract this, AA encourages members to remain grounded and maintain a realistic perspective on their recovery process. This awareness parallels the distinction in Eastern philosophy between siddhi and true awakening, where genuine Hindu Gurus warn against focusing on “siddhi”. Siddhi refers to spiritual, paranormal, or supernatural powers attained through meditation and other spiritual practices. Genuine Hindu Gurus often warn against focusing on siddhi, as these powers can distract from the true goal of spiritual growth, just as AA warns against the "pink cloud."
By fostering personal growth, transformation, and Sacred Spaces, AA demonstrates the power of genuine spiritual guidance. Recognizing the dangers of liminoid experiences and discerning between genuine spiritual growth and distractions, like siddhi or the "pink cloud," helps us identify true Gurus and avoid manipulation by charlatans.
Bringing it All Together
By distinguishing between Gurus and Charlatans, and incorporating these insights from the discussion on givers and takers, we can enhance our ability to discern between genuine guidance and manipulation or misguided advice. By recognizing the true nature of a Guru, who embodies humility and empowers others to discover their own wisdom within Sacred Spaces, we can avoid falling prey to the manipulations of Charlatans, who seek to control and exploit their followers in Liminoid Experiences. This understanding enables us to make better decisions and live a more authentic and fulfilling life, both within religious contexts and in our everyday lives.
As we navigate our spiritual journeys, it is important to remain open to the wisdom of genuine spiritual teachers while maintaining a healthy skepticism and applying our own critical thought. By cultivating this discernment and seeking out authentic spiritual guidance, we can find a sense of balance and fulfillment in our lives that transcends any external circumstances. In doing so, we can address some of the societal issues brought about by rugged individualism, without sacrificing our autonomy and social responsibility. Ultimately, this approach fosters a more interconnected and compassionate society, where individuals can grow and work on themselves while flourishing together with the support of genuine spiritual guidance through Sacred Spaces.